“The Australian Curriculum describes what young Australians should learn as they progress through schooling. It is the foundation for their future learning, growth and active participation in the Australian community. It sets out essential knowledge, understanding, skills and capabilities and provides a national standard for student achievement in core learning areas." www.australiancurriculum.edu.au
The curriculum represents what students are taught. This is informed by the Australian Curriculum and syllabi set out by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, which outlines the core knowledge, understanding, skills and general capabilities essential for students.
The curriculum describes what young people should learn as they progress through schooling and forms the foundation for high-quality teaching to meet the needs of students. We recognise the vital role in children's brain development of play-based problem-solving with other children and the roles of adults in inquiry-based learning: supporting, scaffolding, facilitating and monitoring learning.
At St Brendan's Primary School, we extend to all our students opportunities to develop these general capabilities through all nine Key Learning Areas.
The Key Learning Areas at St Brendan's are:
- Religion
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- The Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Media)
- Health and Physical Education
- Technology (Digital and Design)
- Languages Other Than English (Japanese)
While covering all Key Learning Areas as required by the Australian Curriculum, a variety of learning area focuses are developed by teachers throughout the school, allowing for students' interests and developmental needs, with contexts designed to incorporate essential content, skills and processes within areas of interest.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School (2023)