The Inclusive Education Team comprises our "Support Teachers Inclusive Education" (STIE). Our STIEs, in collaboration with parents, class teachers, members of the school community, and other professionals within Catholic Education and the wider community, strive to ensure a continuum of educational options that emphasise inclusion and cooperation.
The STIE supports the class teachers in the following ways:
- Assessing students' needs,
- Determining strengths, weaknesses and particular learning styles,
- Adapting and changing curricula to more adequately meet the needs of students with special education needs,
- Providing specialised equipment, instructional techniques and materials as required,
- Preparing individualised materials (social stories, visual timetables, reward systems and communication boards) and
- Team teaching, teaching individuals and/or small groups
For more information on services offered in Catholic Schools within the Brisbane Diocese, please click here

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School (2023)