The Religion Curriculum is divided into 4 interrelated strands, taught in integrated units using engaging pedagogies. The four strands of Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Christian Life and Church are taught with the aid of year level mandated and complimentary scripture and explicitly taught prayers.
© BCE, Catholic Identity, 2021

© BCE, Catholic Identity, 2021
It is a requirement that a minimum of 2.5 hours per week of religious teaching is provided. Hence, there are 27.5 contact hours in a Catholic school compared to a government school, which is required to have 25.
The Religion Curriculum P-12 enables students to progressively develop a deeper understanding of the Catholic Christian tradition and an empathetic understanding of the major world religions, as well as respecting how believers of various religions live out their religion's teachings. The approach respects learners and promotes critical thinking, leading to a richer appreciation of self and others.
The full Religious Education Curriculum can be accessed by clicking here