It is a great privilege to welcome you to St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School, a co-educational Catholic Primary School providing educational excellence in the Josephite Tradition, for students from Prep to Year Six.
The St Brendan's community is vibrant; children, parents, teachers and staff aim to live out our school motto, “Live in Faith and Love". Faith and prayer are integral to everyday life at St Brendan’s. Helping each other to nurture a relationship with a loving God and actively seeking ways to make Jesus real in our lives is central to everything we do.
We believe your child and your family will find the school environment and the educational program welcoming and enriching. Student learning and growth are our primary focus. We aim to develop children as learners and as people by linking knowledge, understandings, capabilities and values to develop the child as an active member of their community and society.
St Brendan’s is a place where there are numerous opportunities to enrich the lifelong learning of children. Various activities include an instrumental program, Japanese, Visual Art and Music, a swimming program, a choir, intra and inter-school sports, camps and excursions. We also have an outside school care centre.
When you enrol at St Brendan’s, we are joining the journey of your child – the journey that you have walked with your child since they were born. Therefore, it is important for us to nurture the home/school relationship and to ensure good communication exists between the two. We encourage and value this partnership in all that we do. As a parent, you will find many opportunities to be involved in our community and all who join St Brendan's are invited and strongly urged to contribute and be involved. We love to see parents at things such as assembly, Mass, functions, helping in the classroom, volunteering in the tuckshop, assisting at carnivals and all the other school-related endeavours.
I am honoured to be part of such a great community. Our staff are dedicated and committed to providing the best educational opportunities for all who enrol at St Brendan’s. As you read and navigate around this website, I hope you are provided an informative insight into who we are and what we provide at St Brendan’s.
I look forward to meeting you and sharing your family's educational journey.
Mrs Cathie Caldwell
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School (2023)